Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Why Is My Husband Banned from Girls? Night Out?

"Carrie" and I were good friends in high school and college. For a few years, she had a rollercoaster-like relationship about which I tried to remain neutral (though I leaned negative). Eventually, she broke up with the guy but not before turning me into a villain and accusing me of all sorts of imaginary slights. We stopped being friends. From time to time, she?d also bad-mouth me to our mutual friends. Later, she ended up getting in a far nastier fight with another member of the group, ?Andrea.? Around that time, Carrie and I saw each other and she expressed delight that I'd "changed," when in fact, I?d simply put on my ?polite pants.? She then apologized, admitting that she?d made up the things I?d done or imagined them. I wrote back and apologized, too?for any?behavior that might have hurt her. But the group was fragmented again, with my newly traumatized friend (?Andrea?) wondering what she?d done to deserve Carrie's wrath. I knew all too well that it didn't take all that much to get Carrie going. For that reason, I continued to have limited contact with her.


david archuleta debra messing hobbit trailer greenhill nj plane crash plane crash new jersey beef o bradys bowl

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